Yes, and just a few weeks ago a BOE letter instructed elders to visit all 'inactive ones' to invite them to the memorial and 'convey the GB's love' (what about Jhvh or Jesus?).
Strange indeed!
new letter today (please visit avoidjw.org for a copy of the official letter and yes, i also noticed they got the date wrong!).
february 28, 2017. to all bodies of elders.
re: visiting disfellowshipped or disassociated individuals.
Yes, and just a few weeks ago a BOE letter instructed elders to visit all 'inactive ones' to invite them to the memorial and 'convey the GB's love' (what about Jhvh or Jesus?).
Strange indeed!
new letter today (please visit avoidjw.org for a copy of the official letter and yes, i also noticed they got the date wrong!).
february 28, 2017. to all bodies of elders.
re: visiting disfellowshipped or disassociated individuals.
What they actually mean to say:
Legally we don't want to appear chasing, stalking, harassing and pressuring former members. That may be used against us in lawsuits re. child abuse.
Therefore we change the directive from a centrally organized effort to stalk ex members into something we can deny involvement in: each elder is now personally responsible to do the stalking.
If anyone asks, it wasn't our idea, we are not responsible for your actions, and you have never been a member of nor answering to Watchtower. Yes, we'll hang you out to dry.
hey guys!
i'm new on this site and am a non jw here married to a jw.
my husband's family are active members and they daily post articles on facebook from jw.org which i know is meant for me to see and read.
You know Facebook has a 'never show content from jw org'?
knocked on a door on a saturday morning.
a window opened on the floor above me.
a grizzled old man stuck his head out and said, " we're all heathens here!
Ooh and another guy we all hated so much! This guy would be really interested, talking for an hour or longer at a time. Sometimes lightly disagreeing and discussing, sometimes going along with the JW bullshit. And when the chat ended he would say: You have to know I don't give a sh*t about your beliefs. But now you have spent a useless hour at my door instead of talking to a dozen others, who might fall for your nonsense.
Boy did we avoid his house like the plague!
knocked on a door on a saturday morning.
a window opened on the floor above me.
a grizzled old man stuck his head out and said, " we're all heathens here!
I remember talking to Jesus. Both of them.
The first was an RV from an elder brother. The two of us sometimes visited a guy who suffered schizophrenia and at times he thought he was Jesus. At least he knew he was 'crazy'.
In my early twenties a guy opened his door and said dead serious: Hi. I'm Jesus. No, he was not from a Spanish speaking background. The guy looked a bit odd, and there was no way to tell whether he was having an identity crisis of sorts, or that he was messing with me. Either way I couldn't think of anything left to say right then and there. Just said bye and left.
on the door frame, on the door, door knocker, bell.. loud, very loud, regular, soft... gentle... or just pretended and never knocked at all?
we just had a city worker come a knocking on our front door and my responce after she left was, she should go down to the local kingdom haul and give lessons.
her knock was so loud, she could raise the dead.
In my country JW simply ring the door bell, and so did I.
At one time (when I was quite young) we were out in a rural area. One doorbell didn't just ring, it played beautiful music! Nobody answered, so we rang again to make sure they heard. Another song played! Since there wasn't anybody home anyway, we decided to find out how many different songs that bell would play.
After seven different songs a very much NOT amused home owner finally answered the door asking WHAT THE F#*K ARE YOU DOING!!!?!!!
Oops :-D
But why do USA JW knock even when there is a doorbell? Why not use that thing?
my parents got the “truth” while i was in primary school.
i was baptised at 14. i loved school and was extremely studious.
Congratulations on waking up...
as a parent, if it was my kid i would go straight to the police and or beat the living shit out of the perpetrator.
were all these parents of the victims brain dead or that indoctrinated?.
Don't take my comment at face value ;-)
my mother wanted me to know that the co gave a talk that kinda-sorta reprimanded an elder in her hall.
he is not the reason i left at all, and this does not address anything to do with me or our family.. my mother-in-law sent me texts which i ignored and now she has sent a picture to my wife on facebook just for me, and it's a prodigal son meme that says, "you see the signs, come back it's not too late".. yeah, it's not too late to accept a global flood in 2370 bce, or that man was created in 4026 bce from a golem spell, or that an us-and-them cult mentality is at all healthy or loving, or that religion is going to be banned by the un, or that i should expect anyone else at the door to accept these stupid ideas in the information age.. what am i supposed to say?
i usually just ignore them, but before i do that, i see that shit and i storm into this weird internalized rage where i start writing a response and deleting it.
I have been liking stuff from OurWorldInData.org such as this: https://ourworldindata.org/a-history-of-global-living-conditions-in-5-charts/
Yeah the signs are clear: all over the world circumstances of life are improving; JW are full of BS.
as a parent, if it was my kid i would go straight to the police and or beat the living shit out of the perpetrator.
were all these parents of the victims brain dead or that indoctrinated?.
Yeah but you're too proud to wait for Jehovah too. And you would probably talk back at elders wouldn't you?
Pff the mindset of apostates is what is driving them to disregard authority. Hence their destruction in Armageddon awaits them.